Jail Suicide Expert Witnesses

Police & Penal Expert Witness Listings

Jail Suicide Expert Witnesses who are available to consult and testify can be found here. These jail suicide experts found on this page may consult on issues involving correctional mental health, jail cell monitoring, and prison systems. These experts found here may provide reports regarding death in custody, jails, prisons, correctional facilities, guards, and jail operations. Experts here may be familiar with issues involving suicide, suicidal tendencies, suicide watch, suicide prevention, prisoner suicide, surveillance, custody, inmates, officers, and probation officers. They may also provide expert witness testimony concerning custodial suicide, prison monitoring and custody operations, among other topics.

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Expert Witnesses

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Featured Experts
Lenard Vare (Carsel & Ayves, Inc.)
Lenard Vare has over 28 years of practical experience in inmate management in both jails and prisons in CA and NV. He served as a prison Warden with the State of Nevada for four years managing various types of prisons and correctional facilities. He... Learn More ›

Lisa Boesky (Jail Suicide Expert )
Dr. Lisa Boesky is a Jail Suicide expert. She is a Licensed Clinical Psychologist who has spent over 25 years focusing on Correctional Suicide. Dr. Lisa conducts audits/reviews of Jail Suicide Prevention Programs, presents Correctional Suicide workshops... Learn More ›

Joseph E Gunja (Simco Correctional Consulting LLC)
I am President and CEO of Simco Correctional Consulting LLC. My expert witness services include prison, jails and detention, and I work on both plaintiff and defendant cases. I have been an expert witness for both plaintiff for over 16 years. My past... Learn More ›

Sanjay G. Adhia, MD (Adhia & Associates, Forensic Psychiatry)
Dr. Adhia is a triple Board-Certified Forensic Psychiatrist based in Houston, TX. He testifies nationally. He is uniquely Board-Certified in Forensic Psychiatry and Brain Injury Medicine in civil, criminal, and military jurisdictions. Adhia & Associates... Learn More ›

Steven J Helfand
Dr. Helfand is a licensed psychologist with over 25 years of direct Correctional Mental Health and Health leadership experience. He has overseen the mental health and health service delivery in over 50 small, mid-size, and large scale jail, prison, and... Learn More ›
Alix McLearen, PhD (Eagle Security Group)
Location: Virginia
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Alix McLearen is a distinguished licensed clinical psychologist that has testified before the United States Commission on Civil Rights and women’s prison conditions, served as the Department of Justice’s...
William Connor Darby (Darby Forensics )
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: William Connor Darby, M.D., is a nationally renowned forensic psychiatrist and leading educator in the field, whose expertise is based on rigorous training at the top academic institutions, extensive knowledge...
Jerry Rodriguez (JR Investigative and Consulting Group (FL. A 3200081  C 3200062))
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: All States Use of Force (Lethal and Less Lethal) -Investigative policies and procedures, review, adjudication, and reality-based training scenarios Police Corruption / Internal Administrative Investigations Vice...
Paul M. Adee (Robson Forensic Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Paul Adee is a corrections expert with over three decades of experience in correctional and courthouse facilities. As an expert at Robson Forensic, Paul’s forensic casework involves the policies, procedures,...
David J McIntyre (Behavioral Science Consulting)
Location: Arizona
Areas of Expertise: Dr. McIntyre is a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist with over 25 years of experience. He is among a small percentage (4%) of Licensed Clinical Psychologists who are Board Certified. This means that...
Christopher Darcy (Fairfax Consulting Group, LLC.)
Location: Nevada
Areas of Expertise: As a retired Undersheriff from the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD) with over 32 years of experience, Chris is exceptionally qualified to provide an evidence-based case assessment and render...
Michael J. Luell, J.D. (Legacy Law Enforcement Analysis)
Location: Wisconsin
Areas of Expertise: Lieutenant Michael J. Luell is a highly respected law enforcement officer and licensed attorney with the Wisconsin State Bar, currently serving at the Racine County Sheriff’s Office. He is also the founder...
Jeff Eiser (Jail Expert - Jail Operations Expert Witness and Consultant - Corrections Expert)
Location: Ohio
Areas of Expertise: Jeff Eiser has over 29 years of practical work experience in the operation and administration of one of the largest local corrections systems in the United States. He has extensive experience and expertise...
Victor D Lofgreen (Victor Lofgreen PhD)
Location: Illinois and Texas
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Lofgreen specializes in jail and prison litigation, criminal sentence mitigation, and alternative sentence plans. He conducts case analysis and produces reports, and testifies in topical areas that...
Hayden P Smith (University of South Carolina)
Location: South Carolina
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Hayden P. Smith is a Professor of Criminology & Criminal Justice at the University of South Carolina. His principal focus of study is the intersection of the criminal justice and public health systems....
Robert J. Marcello, Ph.D., LCP, CCHP (Evidence Solutions, Inc. )
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Marcello is a Correctional Healthcare Professional (CCHP) with over 30 years of clinical, administrative, and forensic experience in a variety of healthcare and behavioral health settings. As a Licensed...
Alan W. Newman, MD, LFAPA (Park Dietz & Associates, Inc., a nationwide, interdisciplinary forensic expert firm)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Alan W. Newman, MD, LFAPA is one of the leading forensic psychiatrists in the United States. He has served as an expert witness in various suicide-related cases, including emergency suicide assessments,...
Tim Gravette (Gravette Consulting LLC)
Location: Louisiana
Areas of Expertise: Tim Gravette is a retired Associate Warden with the Federal Bureau of Prisons with 20 years of experience. He has worked in eight different facilities which included all security levels with two being...
Sean Price (Titan National Consulting Group, LLC)
Location: Oregon
Areas of Expertise: Sean Price is a correctional professional with over 24 years of service with the Federal Bureau of Prisons that encompassed various employment positions of increased responsibility. ▪ Possesses knowledge...
Jennifer Torchia (Park Dietz & Associates, Inc., a nationwide, interdisciplinary forensic expert firm)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Jennifer Torchia started her career serving Pima County Juvenile Court in various capacities—initially as a Juvenile Detention Officer in 1998 to her current position as Chief Juvenile Probation Officer/Deputy...
Scott A. DeFoe (On-Scene Consulting Group, LLC)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Retired Sergeant II+1 Los Angeles Police Department Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT). I worked numerous assignments during my 29-year law enforcement career to include: SWAT, K9, Vice, Narcotics, Jail...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Linda Bernard, RN, CCHP-RN (Linda Bernard Consulting)
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Linda Bernard Consulting provides an array of independent consulting services to attorneys, jails, prisons and insurance carriers. Services include development and/or review of Correctional Health Care, ...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Monica M. Argumedo, MD (Park Dietz & Associates, Inc., a nationwide, interdisciplinary forensic expert firm)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Monica Argumedo, MD, is board certified in psychiatry and forensic psychiatry. She completed medical school at the University of Illinois College of Medicine and residency training at Georgetown University...
Daniel B Kennedy (Forensic Criminology Associates, Inc.)
Location: Michigan
Areas of Expertise: Daniel B. Kennedy began his career in criminal justice and security administration as a civilian crime analyst with the Detroit Police Department in 1966. Over the next decade, Dr. Kennedy also served...
Salma S. Khan, M.D. (Salma S. Khan, M.D.)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: I graduated from the Stanford University Psychiatry Residency program in 1998. I have been board certified in Psychiatry since 2000. I have subspecialty certification in Consultation-liaison psychiatry. I...
Michael Panish (ConstructionWitness.com)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Mike Panish is a legal expert witness and consultant specializing in most construction trades (defects & injuries), automatic door systems, doors, door hardware, door sensors, gates, cabinetry, architectural...
George C. Klein, Ph.D. (Oakton  Community College (retired))
Location: Illinois
Areas of Expertise: Areas of Expertise: Mental Health, Criminal Justice, Mentally Ill, Police, Police Apprehension of the Mentally Ill, Police Policies and Procedures, Crisis Intervention Teams, Jail Suicide. George C....
Michael D McMunn NP CCHP-MH, CCHP-A (Nurse and Nurse Practitioner Standard of Care)
Location: Georgia
Areas of Expertise: Providing professional services in correctional healthcare legal proceedings. Specializing in nurse and nurse practitioner standard of care determination. Experience testifying: NP, CNS, PA, RN,...
Stan Kephart (Kephart Consulting, LLC)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Unrivaled qualifications in Police and Security Best Practices. Olympic Games Security Administrator, Retired Police Chief, Probation Chief, & Concert Public Safety Director. Qualified in Large Public...
Justin Ramsdell, Psy.D. (Robson Forensic)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Justin M. Ramsdell, Psy.D. Psychologist Justin Ramsdell is a clinical psychologist and college professor specializing in mental health treatment in correctional/custodial environments, law enforcement...
David M Mathis MD CCHP-P FAAFP (Correctional Medicine Expert)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: 20+ years’ experience in a variety of correctional settings and experience including emergency care, acute care, hospice care and utilization management. Corrections Physician at 2500 inmate California...
Ron Martinelli (Martinelli & Associates: Justice & Forensic Consultants, Inc.)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Referred to by respected and experienced law enforcement and security civil and criminal attorneys as “The expert’s expert.” Representing agency defense and concerned plaintiff and criminal defense attorneys...
Jail Suicide FAQs

What is a jail suicide expert witness?

A jail suicide expert witness is an individual with specialized knowledge and experience in the field of correctional facilities and suicide prevention who provides testimony in legal proceedings.

What is the role of a jail suicide expert witness?

A jail suicide expert witness provides expert opinion on risk assessment, prevention, and response to suicide in correctional facilities.

How much can a person make as a jail suicide expert witness?

Jail suicide expert witnesses can earn anywhere from $175 to $450 or more per hour, depending on the case. Experts usually receive compensation for travel time, and more for deposition and trial testimony.

What are the qualifications of a jail suicide expert witness?

A jail suicide expert witness can provide expertise on the proper procedures and protocols to prevent suicides in correctional facilities.

In legal proceedings, what evidence is reviewed by a jail suicide expert witness?

A jail suicide expert witness would review evidence such as the inmate's mental health history, behavior leading up to the suicide, and the jail's policies and procedures regarding suicide prevention.

In what type of cases might expert testimony be heard from a jail suicide expert witness?

Expert testimony from a jail suicide expert witness may be heard in cases involving inmate suicides, inadequate mental health care in correctional facilities, and wrongful death lawsuits against correctional facilities.