Walking & Working Surfaces Expert Witnesses

Accident Reconstruction & Safety Expert Witness Listings

You will find expert witnesses who may provide testimony on walking and working surfaces by clicking on the following links. Walking and working surfaces experts found on this page may consult on issues involving moving walkways, pathways, platforms, polished floors, and sidewalks. Consultants found here may also provide expert witness testimony regarding pathways, uneven walking surfaces, and working surfaces accident reconstruction, among other topics.

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Featured Experts
C.J. Abraham (Technical Director, Scientific Advisory Services, Ltd.)
Dr. Abraham has over forty years of international experience consulting to insurance companies, municipalities, government agencies, and the legal profession. He has consulted in more than 3,500 matters involving human factors, safety, personal injury... Learn More ›

Traci K. Campbell, P.E., CFSE, CXLT (Quality Forensic Engineering, LLC)
Ms. Campbell has over 23 years of experience investigating, analyzing, and testifying in matters involving a variety of forensic engineering issues. She is an expert in the following: industrial accident reconstruction and human factors; slip, trip, stumble... Learn More ›

Allan D. Snyder, MA (Business) (AFC Forensic Consulting - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT)
PROPERTY MANAGEMENT EXPERT • Premises Liability • Slip, Trip & Fall • Standard of Care • Wrongful Death • Fire Safety • Landlord/Tenant • Habitability, Health and Safety Codes • HUD Housing (Section 8) • American with Disabilities Act • Senior... Learn More ›

Greg Gerganoff, CSP, Esq. (Rocky Mountain Safety Consulting, Inc.)
Mr. Gerganoff, CSP, Esq. Safety Expert Witness has 18 + years of experience handling safety (OSHA & MSHA) field audits and safety compliance in mining, oil and gas, manufacturing and construction. U.S.A. and International. www.rkymtnsafety.com... Learn More ›

Dr. / Professor J. Rasty, Ph.D., PE, CFEI, CFII, President & CEO (Real World Forensic Engineering)
Since 1988, Real-World Forensic Engineering, LLC (“RWFE”) has provided engineering services to industries and government labs, as well as litigation support to both plaintiff and defense attorneys practicing in areas of law including: Products Liability,... Learn More ›
J.P. Purswell, Ph.D., P.E., CPE (CSU-Pueblo)
Location: Colorado
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Purswell has been qualified as an expert in Human Factors, Ergonomics, and Industrial Safety (including OSHA issues) and Product Safety. He has testified in numerous cases with respect to the adequacy...
Matt LeVesque (Bishop Construction Services, Inc.)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Active California General Engineering and General Building contractor, with extensive experience as an industry expert investigating Contractors State License Board violations. Serves as a forensic construction...
Keystone Engineering Consultants, Inc.
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Keystone Engineering Consultants, Inc. is a multi-discipline, broad-spectrum firm providing comprehensive and qualified forensic engineering, architecture, scientific, biomechanics, and fire/arson investigation...
Consolidated Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Consolidated Consultants (CCc) continues to deliver high quality expert witness and medical expert witness referrals nationwide since 1995. CCc is the only referral service where you can view the full,...
Jon J. Pina, MS, CSP (Evergreen Environmental Health and Safety, Inc.)
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Mr. Pina has forty plus years of experience in safety, health, Personal protective equipment, PPE, and environmental management/loss prevention for construction, demolition, coal, chemical, steel, environmental...
Chip Darius, OHST, CIT, CUSP (Safety Priority Consultants, LLC)
Location: Connecticut
Areas of Expertise: Over 400 catastrophic injury and fatality cases, federal and state court, plaintiff and defense. Connecticut attorneys and law firms have voted Safety Priority one of "The Best" 9 times in annual surveys....
Technology Associates, LLC (Kristopher J Seluga, M.S., P.E. (CT & NY) )
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Kristopher J Seluga, M.S., P.E. (CT & NY) Our staff of experienced engineers are ready to apply established scientific and engineering knowledge and techniques to your case. Our staff has published...
Carl Berkowitz (Carl Berkowitz)
Location: New York
Areas of Expertise: Carl Berkowitz, Ph.D., PE, AICP is a transportation and traffic engineering expert and serves as a litigation consultant. He is frequently consulted at the initial stages of a potential litigation for...
Gary E Kilpatrick, PE, DFE (The Kilpatrick Group, PA)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Who is The Kilpatrick Group, PA? Our mission is to provide to you forensic mechanical design engineering services. We are dedicated to the application of the art, science and methodology of forensic...
Mark Monteith, AIA, LEED AP (Robson Forensic)
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Mark Monteith, AIA, LEED AP Architecture, Construction & Premises Safety Expert Mark Monteith is a Philadelphia based Architect with 25 years of professional experience in the design, construction,...
Fari Barzegar, Ph.D., P.E., CPEng. (Habitat Engineering & Forensics, Inc.)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Expert consultant/witness in over 90 cases with testimony/trial experience. Dr. Barzegar is a licensed professional engineer providing a broad range of services in civil/structural engineering and construction...
Kevin A. Rider (Forensic Human Factors, LLC)
Location: Ohio
Areas of Expertise: Location: All 50 states. Kevin A. Rider, PhD, PE, CPE is a human factors expert, providing forensic engineering in the areas of driver behavior/attention, cell phone distraction, motor vehicle and pedestrian...
Kenneth Nemire (HFE Consulting LLC)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Kenneth Nemire, Ph.D., CPE has provided litigation support on premises, products, motor vehicle, and workplace accident cases for over 18 years and has been retained by both plaintiff and defense. He...
Cody I. Pless, AIA, NCARB (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Cody Pless is a Registered Architect with nearly 20 years of experience in architectural design, construction, site planning, and project management. He has worked as both an architect and a contractor,...
J. Terrence Grisim, CSP, CDS, CPSM, ARM (Safety Management Consultants, Inc.)
Location: Illinois
Areas of Expertise: Premises Safety and Liability · Retail Store Safety · Retail Display Safety · Falling Merchandise/Top Stock Accidents · Slips/Trips and Falls · Negligent Maintenance ·...
ForensisGroup, Inc. (The Expert of Experts)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: For over 30 years, ForensisGroup has provided the nation’s top law firms, businesses, insurance companies, government entities with highly qualified expert witnesses and consultants. Experts referred by...
Peter Petrovsky PE, ME, CE, IE, A B HAZ & C-12 MULTI-DISCIPLINED ENGINEER & CONTRACTOR (Diversified - lppetrovsky@gmail.com)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Peter Petrovsky, PE, earned registrations as Professional Engineer in Civil Engineering, as well as, in Mechanical Engineering. Additionally, he earned licenses as a General Engineering Contractor, General...
Dennis W. Eckstine (Eckstine & Associates, Inc.)
Location: Pennsylvania
Areas of Expertise: Dennis Eckstine has over 30 years experience in engineering, quality, and product safety including company representative at trial for equipment manufacturers. He has expertise and extensive experience...
Thomas J Lodge, AIA, NCARB (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Thomas Lodge is a versatile and accomplished registered Architect with 30 years of broad professional experience in design, construction detailing, and construction administration for a multitude of project...
Accident & Safety Consultants
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: ($180ph review NY, NJ, MD, PA, DE, VA, DC, WV) • Accident Reconstruction: Car, Bus, Truck, Pedestrian, Bicycle, Motorcycle, Rollovers • Biomechanics,Occupant Injury • Safety Standards, Falls • Building...
Joshua Bostick, CMRP (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Joshua Bostick is a mechanical engineer and industrial machinery expert. His expertise includes the design, installation, operation, maintenance, and inspection of machinery and equipment. He’s experienced...
Paul D. Ferreira CM, CS (Eleuthera Associates)
Location: Connecticut
Areas of Expertise: 16 years as a construction accident expert witness. 40 plus years of continuous, daily "hands-on" construction experience in general building, constructions sites, highway and street construction, underground...
Peggy W. Liu, R.A., CFM, NCARB (Robson Forensic)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Peggy Liu is a Registered Architect with 20 years of professional experience in architectural design, construction, and project management. Peggy joined Robson Forensic after spending a decade working...
Robert C. Sugarman, PE, FHFES (RCS Performance Systems, Inc.)
Location: New York
Areas of Expertise: Personal injury analyst. BA, MS, SM, PhD in physics & psychology (including MIT); 45 yrs R&D, teaching, trial testimony, industrial training, 'in the trenches'. Perception, vision, warnings, equipment/product...
J. Terrence Grisim, CSP, CDS, CPSM, ARM (Safety Management Consultants, Inc.)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Premises Safety and Liability · Retail Store Safety · Retail Display Safety · Falling Merchandise/Top Stock Accidents · Slips/Trips and Falls · Negligent Maintenance ·...
Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE (Yarmus Engineering, P.C.)
Location: New York
Areas of Expertise: Yarmus Engineering, P.C. has been providing Engineering services throughout the tri-state area since 1974. Andrew R. Yarmus, P.E., F.NSPE, President of the firm, has worked in various engineering and...
James D. Madden. P.E. (Board Certified Diplomate Forensic Engineer, Sr. Forensic Engineer at  Madden Accident Analysis, Investigation, Reconstruction)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: During over 35 years of Forensic Engineering work Senior Forensic Engineer James D. Madden, P.E. has: - completed over 1100 cases - prepared and issued over 700 written reports - prepared and issued...
Christopher C. Fogarty (Robson Forensic)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Christopher C. Fogarty Facilities & Marine Engineering Expert Christopher Fogarty is a Facilities Engineer with 40+ years of experience at a large, state-of-the art public sports and entertainment...
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: Dr. Tyson is a Registered Professional Engineer , Licensed Mechanicl Engineer and Licensed Engineering Contractor in California He has more than thirty three years full time experience in Accident Reconstruction,...
Sylvia B. Deye AIA, NCARB, LEED AP (Robson Forensic)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Architecture, Construction and Premises Safety Expert Sylvia Deye, AIA, NCARB, LEED AP is a registered architect with over two decades of experience in design, construction, and project management for...
Kenneth D. Newson (Interior Specifications)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: Forensic scientist in floor related litigation including slip & falls, all materials and installation, moisture vapor testing, and Slip Resistance testing. Member of ASTM. Marble Institute of America,...
Jeremy Swenson (Swenson Consulting)
Location: Colorado
Areas of Expertise: Swenson Consulting offers Snow Removal Expert Witness Services to legal professionals needing assistance with snow and ice removal slip and fall cases. He is an expert in black ice, sleet, freezing rain,...
Mark E. Williams, AIA, NCARB (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: MARK E. WILLIAMS, AIA, NCARB Premises Safety, Construction Claims, & Architect Professional Liability Mr. Williams brings over 30 years of practical experience preparing construction documents and...
MORRIS S. FARKAS, P.E. (Consulting Office of Morris S. Farkas)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: MORRIS FARKAS, Professional Safety Engineer, has 39 years of experience in construction, demolition, industrial and electrical safety, with the following credentials: Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil...
Martin M Balaban, PhD, PE (AR TECH Forensic Experts, Inc)
Location: California
Areas of Expertise: PhD Mechanical Engineering from UC Berkeley, MS Mechanics from Illinois Institute of Technology, BS Civil Engineering from Cooper Union. Licensed Professional Engineer (Safety) State of California. Accident...
Matthew J Hartley (Matt Hartley Lighting, LLC.)
Location: Colorado
Areas of Expertise: We have immersed ourselves in different facets of the industry including indoor and outdoor lighting, safety and security, human factors in lighting, and lighting standards. We have authored over six...
Vincent A. Ettari, P.E. (Vincent A. Ettari, P.E., P.C.)
Location: New York
Areas of Expertise: Vincent A. Ettari, P.E., P.C. serves New York City & the counties of Westchester, Dutchess, Putnam, Orange, Rockland, Ulster, Suffolk (Long Island), Nassau, Bronx (N.Y.), Queens, Brooklyn / Kings County,...
Frank Ferrantello, PLS, CE
Location: New York
Areas of Expertise: Frank S. Ferrantello, PLS, CE is a New York State Licensed Land Surveyor with over 20 years of experience in Surveying, Civil Engineering, and Land Use Planning. Both his field and office Work experience...
Ralph Aronberg (Aronberg and Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc.)
Location: Florida
Areas of Expertise: Ralph Aronberg, P.E., established the firm in 1983. Since that time, Mr. Aronberg has reconstructed over 1500 accidents and testified in over 150 jury trials. Mr. Aronberg had been qualified as an expert...
Douglas W. Peden, R.A., NCARB (Robson Forensic, Inc.)
Location: Multiple Locations
Areas of Expertise: DOUGLAS W. PEDEN, R.A., NCARB Premises Safety, Construction Claims & Architect Professional Liability Mr. Peden brings over 30 years professional experience preparing design and construction documents...
Walking & Working Surfaces FAQs

What is a walking & working surfaces expert witness?

A walking and working surfaces expert witness is a professional who provides testimony regarding safety of floors, stairs, and other walking and working surfaces.

What is the role of a walking & working surfaces expert witness?

The role of a walking & working surfaces expert witness is to provide testimony on issues related to slip and fall accidents and related safety standards.

How much can a person make as a walking & working surfaces expert witness?

Walking & working surfaces expert witnesses can earn somewhere in the range of $200-$450 an hour, or more in some circumstances. The exact amount is determined between the retaining attorney and the expert.

What are the qualifications of a walking & working surfaces expert witness?

An expert witness in walking and working surfaces should have knowledge of slip and fall hazards, as well as safety standards and regulations for walking and working surfaces.

In a lawsuit, how is evidence gathered by a walking & working surfaces expert witness?

A walking and working surfaces expert witness gathers evidence through site inspections, interviews, and analysis of relevant documents and standards to provide testimony in a lawsuit related to slip and fall accidents.

What type of cases typically require the testimony of a walking & working surfaces expert witness?

Cases involving slip and fall accidents, construction site accidents, and workplace safety violations often require the testimony of a walking and working surfaces expert witness to provide insight and analysis.